Our 2019 February Club Meeting was at Moto Liberty on Sunday, February 24th.

Dear Moto Liberty Superstar,
This SUNDAY, we are hosting the 2nd Annual Vintage Smash UP event at Moto Liberty. This year, due to the excellent weather forecast, we’re stepping it up a notch and bringing in The Pete Barbeck Band for some
blues/rock LIVE MUSIC. Audrey’s Italian Beef and Hot Dogs will be served, too.
The Vintage Smash UP consists of us hosting the North Texas Norton Owners Association monthly meeting starting at noon, so we have to have quiet time in the store until 2:30.
If you’re interested in any kind of vintage bikes, and would like to check out the club and maybe join, then please feel free to come early. It’s a fun group of people that enjoy all kinds of old motorcycles,
and you’ll see lots of cool bikes in the parking lot.
The Smash UP happens, because one of our special guests are the guys from Denton Moto Collective. (www.dentonmoto.com.) This is where the old meet the young. These
local bike builders have a passion to design cool things and build custom motorcycles. Denton Moto Collective helps resurrect old bikes who’ve seen better days; bikes that have so much character and more to
offer than the dust-collecting corners they’ve been forgotten in.
Also welcome Motone USA. Based in Roanoke, TX, here is another LOCAL supplier of cool aftermarket parts, many for Triumphs & Harleys, but also other models. http://motone.com/
We can’t do all this without having a SALE, too. So here are the specials for Saturday & Sunday:
1. All closeout jackets and helmets will be 25% off the lowest market price.
2. Retro style helmets are in the spirit of the Smash UP will be 15% off.
3. Closeout riding jeans. We have a table of really nice jeans in men’s and ladies sizes. Values to over $250, for just $100 each OR $50 with a $250 purchase.
The Team at Moto Liberty
Members are encouraged to arrive early to socialize, meet new members and their
guests and to look over the different assortment of antique and modern bikes. This usually occurs around noon with the formal meeting starting at 2pm.
February New Members
Bill Coleman 943
Reynolds Mansson 944
Tony Rice 945
James Denton 946
Don Vanicek 947
John Skaras 948
February Anniversaries
John Cartwright Jr. - 5 Years.