October 2020 Club Meeting

Our October club meeting was a another destination meeting at Doc's in Muenster on Sunday, Oct 25th.  115 N Main St, Muenster, TX.  Everyone was on their own, in other words, there was no organized ride and all makes of bikes were welcome.

October Meeting Recap
by Ex-Rallye Chairman
Dennis Tackett

The October club meeting was an individual ride in to Doc’s Bar and Grill in Muenster. The weather was supposed to be great but the weather man blew it big time. The day started a little chilly and overcast but otherwise ok for the ride. I decided to ride my 2019 Tiger which was Clay’s bike. I was riding solo so I set a brisk pace and arrived at Doc’s a little before noon. I procured their back room for the gathering and proceeded to have a libation. Soon more members trickled in and by the time the meeting started we had about 20 present. While we were inside having the meeting the weather turned to shit. It would be a misty and cold ride home for everyone. I brought the meeting to order and conducted it with the usual format. I informed everyone the November meeting would be at Southwest Superbikes and as per club rules we would be electing new officers. Chris Parry announced there would be a complete change of club officers and we were looking for members to volunteer to serve. The meeting was adjourned and everyone bundled up as best they could for the return ride. The roads were so slick Chris and I decided forego the back roads and take the direct route back home. Unfortunately Dave and Wendy took their usual route back and Dave went down close to Justin. He had a few bumps and bruises but his bike did not fare so well. His Triumph is probably a write off. Chris and I made it home without incident. The club really needs those who have not volunteered before to step up and keep the club alive by becoming officers. Those retiring will be glad to train and help the new officers.

Ex-Rallye Chairman
Dennis Tackett

From Russ Foster:

What can I say, it was better than sitting at home watching the gutless Cowboys. There were some good roads and times - at lest going there.

For a change the Harley stop-for-gas stops were welcome. A chance to warm up and get some water. Some lessons were relearned like taking rain gear or a good warm jacket.

Bar with one wearing mask

Gas hogs refilling

Group meeting headed by Flecher Clark on how to munity and dump leader.

October Anniversaries
Frank West - 5 Years
Larry Norton - 5 Years
Bob Speer - 25 Years

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Revised: October 29, 2020.