The National Motorcycle Museum
The National Motorcycle Museum has been described as 'the world's finest
motorcycle museum' and our aim is to make this description a true one at all
times. It is a place where the motorcycle assumes its rightful position as the
premier exhibit. It is also a tribute to and a living record of this once great
British industry which dominated world markets for some sixty years.
In a society which is quick to lose its appreciation of the inherent skills and
industry of the nation, this museum records for posterity the engineering
achievements of an earlier era, and an older generation can once again view with
nostalgia the machines they rode in days gone by.
There is little doubt that the museum will be recognized as the center for all
groups and organizations with interests in the British motorcycle industry, and,
as a meeting place in pleasant surroundings for all kinds of activities related
to the industry.

The National Motorcycle Museum experienced a severe fire on the afternoon of
16th September.
The buildings were successfully evacuated using established safety procedures
and there have been no casualties.
Over 250 of the exhibits in the Museum have been saved. Sadly, three of the
Museums five exhibit halls have been destroyed along with their exhibits,
totaling around 650 machines.
The main entrance and reception area, and much of the northern section of the
Museum has not been damaged, and the Crows Nest, Balcony and Wardroom suites are
fully operational, although use of these suites will be limited because of the
adjacent building work while the Museum is being rebuilt.
The Museum’s largest suite, The Imperial, which can host 850 delegates, is
undergoing refurbishment after smoke and water damage. We had hoped to be
operational next year, but now expect to reopen for larger events in January
Many irreplaceable machines have been damaged in the fire, but, where possible,
they will be restored once again to their original showroom condition. To this
end we shall be appealing for many scarce components and parts which will be
needed. Details will be posted to this web site shortly.
The Museum has received countless messages of support and offers of assistance.
We are grateful to everybody, and undertake to do our utmost to restore the
greatest collection of British motorcycles back to its former glory.

National Motorcycle Museum,
Sales Offices,
86 Henwood Lane,
B91 2TH