Team Triumph Texas during Speed Week 2008 at the Bonneville Salt Flats






Mabry Racing 604 1000cc APS-BF Nick Nichols Late Model Triumph
Mabry Racing 605 750cc APS-PBF Nick Nichols '70 Triumph Trident
Big D Racing / Mabry 607 650cc A-PG Ryan Ambrose Triumph T-120

Thursday, 8/21/08:  Team Triumph Texas (Mabry Racing) relaxed and enjoyed the show.  They did not race today.

Turns out #607 and Ryan Ambrose are the hero's of the North Texas Contingent. They beat their own record made on Tuesday by going 124.952 mph. Ryan went 129.001 on Wednesday for a new record of 126.976 mph. Their previous record was 124.123 mph.

Wednesday, 8/20/08:  (Murphy's Law)  Unfortunately, today Murphy reduced Mabry Racing to spectator status.  Mabry Racing made one run today.  Nick Nichols took #605 down the track for the last time this year at Bonneville.  #605 threw a rod while going somewhere between 130 and 140 mph, the rod went through the case and the oil caught on fire.  After coming to a stop Nick jumped off and abandoned the bike.  Fortunately Nick  wasn't hurt but the bike needs major surgery.  As of this evening the team doesn't plan on further racing this year but that could change.

Big D Cycle / Mabry Racking.  Ryan Ambrose set a new class record on #607.  Their 122.5 mph run yesterday was backed up with a run of 125.7 mph today breaking Dennis Tackett's record of 113.5 mph set last year on the same bike.

Tuesday, 8/19/08:  Murphy continues to hang at Mabry's pit.  #604 wouldn't start in the pits so the team took #605 to the line.  #605 made two runs with Nick Nichols in the saddle of 135.272 and 143.669 mph on the short course.  Unfortunately, the turbo failed to produce any significant boost during either run.  The turbo expert, Mr. Turbo was looking things over when the team decided to retire for the day.

Monday, 8/18/08:  Today was the first day of racing.

Murphy found Mabry racing. They attempted to qualify #604 three times but never completed a run. #604 is a 1,000cc late model three cylinder Triumph powered APS1000 class racer. The current record is 219 mph. The team believes they can go 235 mph. The engine quit on the first run just past the start line. The external starter's chain broke at the start line during their second attempt. It failed to start at the start line on their third attempt although it started right up back in the pits. Mabry racing is set to run #604 again tomorrow morning.

Big D Cycle / Mabry Racing.  Ryan Ambrose rode #607 and qualified for a new record at 119 mph.  Dennis Tackett rode it last year and established a new class record. #607 is a renewed joint project between Keith Martin and Ed Mabry. This bike originally ran on the salt many years ago when Jack Wilson and Ed Mabry teamed up.

Sunday, 8/17/08:  The Team got up at 5 AM, had breakfast and arrived on the Salt at 6 AM along with hundreds of other competitors.  There were more competitors and spectators than ever seen there before.  Both 604 and  605 passed tech inspection with only minor modifications.  Weather was perfect with only a light wind straight down the course.  Mabry Racing has joined up with Keith Martin (owner of Big D Cycle) to establish a Texas contingent with a high flying Texas flag flying above their pit area.  The team plans on being in line for their first run when the track opens at 6 AM tomorrow.  More to follow.

Friday, 8/15/08:  Team Triumph Texas departed Mabry Racing at 1 AM on Friday morning.  They drove the 1,360 miles in 37 hours arriving at Wendover, UT at 1 PM (Mountain Daylight Time) on Saturday.  Weather was and is forecast to be beautiful for the entire meet with temperatures only reaching the mid to high 80's.


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