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Bike 601 on 18 Aug. 2000 set a new World Land Speed Record of 235.295 mph in the 3000 APS-PBF class.
Bike 601 on 17 Aug. 2001 set a new World Land Speed Record of 238.740 mph in the 3000 APS-PBF class.

In 2007 601 will run in the APS-PBF 1350 class

601 on the "Salt" in 2004.

David "Packmule" Wade,  Kenneth Walthall,  Jerry "Hi-speed" Kawkins and Ed Mabry with 601.

601 without any cloths on

Jon19.GIF (126781 bytes)
"World's Fastest "Pushrod" Motorcycle
256.264 MPH!" 
Top Bike Time of 1992
Southern California Timing Association Meet

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