2006 Mabry Racing Summary

Day-To-Day Update:   <[8/6/06]>    <[8/10/06]>    <[8/11/06]>    <[8/12/06]>    <[8/13/06]>    <[8/14/06]>    <[8/15/06]>     <[8/16/06]>    <[8/17/06]>    <[8/18/06]>

Friday, 18 August

Mystic Bub

Number Engine Body Entry Name Qtr Mile1 Mile2 Mile3 Exit Comments
601B 1350CC APS-BF Mabry -  Wade -  Wathall 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 No Start

Is it Dead??

Now where is it going?

I know I can make it go faster!!


Until Next Year!!

The 1956 NSU 500cc record was just broken!! The Arrow/Williams motorcycle streamliner who qualified on one of the oldest records in the book qualified at 211.9 on the 211.4 record. The Blown 500cc motorcycle streamliner in which had the tower in confusion when the last mile showed 270 mph, cause they blew a tire in the last mile, went 228 mph in the middle mile. Now they were fastest in the last mile yesterday so we have to throw that out because they blew a tire in last mile and put the liner on its side and had a fire. Yesterday they went 201 in the middle mile and were 228 today which still gives them 214 mph record on the 1956 NSU record. Way to go Arrow team, knocking off one of the oldest records in the book.

Jerry "High Speed" Hawkins made a run on his Suzuki on the long course Friday but turned off the course before completing the first mile.  His quarter mile speed was 92.787.

Thursday, 17 August

On the Short Course

Number Engine Body Entry Name Qtr Mile1 Mile2 Comment
607B 650CC A-PG   RPM Cycle Mabry Racing 83.644 83.098 84.413  
607B 650CC A-PG   RPM Cycle Mabry Racing 85.774 85.559 83.780

On the Long Course

Number Engine Body Entry Name Quarter Mile1 Mile2 Mile3 Exit
601B 1350CC APS-BF Mabry -  Wade -  Wathall 141.110 139.680 0.000 0.000 0.000

Day 7 started with high hopes. Our first run started off good but cross winds blew Steve off the track.  We got right back in line but the wind continued to blow for the rest of the day.

We haven't given up yet and are first in line for the morning. History is on our side.  If we are successful this won't be the first time Team Triumph Texas has qualified and set a record on Friday.

There were some other highlights of the day.  We got some pictures of Andy Green, the fastest man on Earth.  He was the pilot of the Thrust SSC which set the current land speed record at 763 MPH.

Bub caught this picture of 601 at sunrise.

Here is Andy catching up on old times with team leader Ed Mabry.

Kevin Draper of Majestic Turbo discussing the more technical aspects of turbocharging diesel engines.

Our pilot with Andy Green (they may be talking about the wind).


Wednesday, 16 August

On the Short Course

Number Engine Body Entry Name Qtr Mile1 Mile2 Comment
607B 650CC A-PG   RPM Cycle Mabry Racing 0.000 85.073 0.000 Turn Out

On the Long Course

Number Engine Body Entry Name Quarter Mile1 Mile2 Mile3 Exit
601B 1350CC APS-BF Mabry -  Wade -  Wathall 153.305 145.050 0.000 0.000 0.000

First run on Wednesday was under terrific track conditions.  However we experienced shifter linkage problems which caused a missed high gear. We resolved that issue and got back in line for another run. At 2:00 the wind came up and shut down the course before we could run. While waiting the 3 and 1/2 hours in line we discovered that shade was a good thing to carry with you. The day's racing was canceled at 5:30. Thursday could be our day again.





Tuesday, 15 August

On the Short Course

Number Engine Body Entry Name Qtr Mile1 Mile2 Comment
607B 650CC A-PG   RPM Cycle Mabry Racing 66.544 82.040 0.000 Turn Out

On the Long Course

Number Engine Body Entry Name Quarter Mile1 Mile2 Mile3 Exit
601B 1350CC APS-BF Mabry -  Wade -  Wathall 164.536 165.371 178.384 0.000 0.000

Winds have plagued the salt today shutting down the course early.  601 ran 178 mph but had clutch problems shifting into the higher gears.  By the time that was fixed there was a long line so didn't get a chance to run a second time.  601 is ninth in line to run Wednesday morning.  After a couple of days of runs, the first mile of salt is now so slick that they moved the starting position down about a mile.

Breaking News - A first for Speed Week.  Susan Robertson has become the first lady to set a 200 mph record on a sit on bike at Bonneville.  In the APS-F class she has run 202 down and returned at 209 mph for about a 205 mph record in the APS-F 1650cc class, running a nitrous powered Hayabusa Great job.

Heard from Dennis Tackett today who is crewing for Keith Martin, owner of RPM Cycle.   Dennis said that the weather is great and the salt is just perfect. Many old timers are saying these are the best conditions seen in 30 years. Dennis also said that many records are being broken.

Monday, 14 August

On the Short Course

Number Engine Body Entry Name Qtr Mile1 Mile2 Comment
607B 650CC A-PG   RPM Cycle Mabry Racing 68.379 80.905 0.000 Turn Out

On the Long Course

Number Engine Body Entry Name Quarter Mile1 Mile2 Mile3 Exit
601B 1350CC APS-BF Mabry -  Wade -  Wathall 150.156 144.244 0.000 0.000 0.000

601 made one run on the long course but turned off due to a very rich mixture.  That fixed they wait in line for their next run.

Sunday, 13 August

On the Short Course

Number Engine Body Entry Name Qtr Mile1 Mile2 Comment
648B 1350CC P-P    Nick Nichols 149.733 149.112 150.094  

On the Long Course

Number Engine Body Entry Name Quarter Mile1 Mile2 Mile3 Exit
601B 1350CC APS-BF Mabry -  Wade -  Wathall 112.396 124.338 146.540 0.000 0.000

Another exciting day on the salt! After an early morning pyrotechnic display provided by Bub and Packer and breakfast at the Red Flame, we headed to the line for our first run of the day.  601 is back at the front of the line again. We are all looking forward to a successful run first thing in the morning.

Nick made his final licensing run at 150 and received his "C".

601 refused to start on the line due to the fuel mixture being too rich, so it was back to the pits for a quick adjustment.  The second run was better but still too rich. Steve was able to get to 148 at the 3 mile in third gear before turning out.  While making the final adjustments to 601, a broken bracket was discovered that Jay was able to repair with a borrowed welder.



Jerry "Hi-speed Hawkins" on his Suzuki

Saturday, 12 August

On the Short Course

Number Engine Body Entry Name Quarter Mile1 Mile2 Comment
604B 1000CC APS-BF Mabry - Wade - Walthall 164.941 173.639 179.790  
648B 1350CC P-P  Nick Nichols 134.500 111.955 0.000  

Day three had mixed results. We got in line early in order to make our licensing runs after the driver meeting.  That went well.  Steve did get his "B" license with a 179.790 on 604.  There were some traction issues on the run that made it very exciting for Steve!  Nick got his "D" license on the production Yamaha.  The bad news came in the pits when we discovered that 604 had blown a head gasket and damaged the head.  It is done for the year and in the trailer.  601 however is staged in line for an early morning run.  Bub.

Click on Photo to enlarge.


Nick on his stock FJR1300

Friday, 11 August

Friday morning setting up camp on the salt.

Three Mandatory events on Friday.  Unload & set up pits, tech  (get bike checked out by event officials), & picture day.  It all went well.  The salt is the kind according to the knowing able to set records, and we are looking forward to the first run tomorrow!!! Matter of fact we're WAY EXCITED!!!!  Steve.




Day two was another terrific day! We went to tech before setting up the pits in order to be in the front of the line. The strategy worked perfectly.

While in tech a crew from National Geographic films 604 and interviews Steve. Later in the day Ed has a moment to relax. Mystic Bub has to exorcize the salt witch to solve a minor starting problem.  With all the work for the day completed there was plenty of time for group pictures.



Thursday, 10 August

Bub writes: "Here is the group in front of the motel at Green River and after the arrival at the Heritage."

Click on photo to enlarge.


Sunday's Send off Party - 6 August

Click on photo to enlarge.

'06 Agenda


August 6th

Load Little Trailer - "Packmule" tows this one
Load Big Trailer - Both Bikes and support equipment



August 9th

Launch at 2:00 AM SHARP!!
Arrive Green River, Utah about 5:00 PM - Spend the night



August 10th

Arrive Heritage Motel - Wendover about 3:00 PM (OK maybe 4:00 PM)



August 11th

Set up camp on the salt
Go thru Tech Inspection - Assure all paperwork is in order
Do the Kodak'in (picture taken)



August 12th

Run 604 on Short Course
Steve gets his "B" License - (175 to 200 mph)
Note: Steve got his "D" and "C" License last year on 604


Click on image to enlarge.

Gene "Bub" Arrington   Vice President Telemetry & Metrological Analysis
& Commissioner of FUN shown here in one of his more pensive moods.
