The 2022 Spring Hill Country Ride and April Club
Meeting was April 19th – 25th.
The weather for this year’s ride was one of the best with no
rain until late on Sunday during the return to north Texas.
Most members arrived in Leakey, TX at the Historic Leakey Hotel on Thursday,
April 21st and departed on Sunday, April 25th. As in years past, there was
several riders who departed north Texas on Tuesday, April 19th and rode to
Fredericksburg, then they rode to Rocksprings on Wednesday and Leakey on
Thursday to join the rest of the club.

As usual, the club booked the entire Leakey Inn and 10 rooms at the Peach
Tree Inn in Fredericksburg, and the entire Historic Rocksprings Hotel in
Our treasurer Jane West handled all the hotel reservations for the trip.
Copyright © 2000 NTNOA All rights reserved.
Revised: April 26, 2022.