The Team Triumph Texas Crew

Titles and Job Descriptions

In general, we are a group of lifelong Triumph racers, riders and fans devoted to campaigning this marque in top level land speed record racing at the Bonneville Salt Flats. There are usually from about 6 to 8 of us and collectively, our core group has almost 100 years experience in racing at Bonneville.  Team Triumph Texas was started in 1979 by Ed Mabry, Jack Wilson, Lee Manis and Mike McCurry.  In those early days the focus was on drag racing.  During the '80's emphasis shifted to Speed Week at the Bonneville Salt Flats. Setting speed records soon became the mission of TTT.

Today the core group consists of:

Back Row Left to Right: David "Packmule" Wade, Kenneth Walthall, Gene "Bub" Arrington, Nick Nichols and Ed Mabry
Front Row: Steve (Rocket) Starrett and Mike Hardwick.

In general, we are a group of lifelong Triumph racers, riders and fans devoted to campaigning this marque in top level land speed record racing at the Bonneville Salt Flats. There are usually from about 6 to 8 of us and collectively, our core group has almost 100 years experience in racing at Bonneville.

David (Packer) Wade    Vice President Vehicle Preparation & Human Resources
Kenneth Walthall          Vice President Special Projects - Western Division

Gene "Bub" Arrington   Vice President Telemetry & Metrological Analysis & Commissioner of FUN
Nick Nichols                Backup Rider/Pilot & Vice President Procurement and Secret Race Parts Acquisition
Ed Mabry                       Vice President Fabrication (Designer, fabricator, engineer, tuner, thinker, philosopher)
Steve Starrett                Rider/Pilot, "Rocket" - Chief Pilot Bike 601, 604 & 605
Mike Hardwick               VP Factory Maintenance

Ron Gales and Ken (Signsmith) Smith.

Ron Gales             Vice President Vehicle Surface Preparation & Color Application
Ken Smith             Vice President Graphic Design & Application

George "Pistol" Tuttle and Dave Howe

George Tuttle             Vice President Website Preparation & Maintenance
Dave Howe                 Vice President Information Acquisition, Arrangement & Dissemination

Team Texas Triumph in the beginning

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