Honored Member
Ward Hogue
better known as

The following is an edited version of a complete story written by Motor Cycle magazine in November 1995. It
includes updated information from Ward himself.
They don't call Ward Hogue "Iron Butt' for nothing. Since he first swung a leg over a motorcycle 50 years ago, he has logged over a half million 2 wheeled miles. He's a firm believer of "ride 'em don't hide 'em.
Ward's interest in Motorcycles began as teenager in 1946. His two older brothers bought Indians on their return form the War, and he rode as a passenger when ever he could. He finally got his own motorcycle in 1949 while
training to be a radar technician in Biloxi, Mississippi.
He saved $50 a month while living on $17 a month until he had $300 to buy a vertical twin, 440cc Indian Scout. He traded the Scout for a 1950 triumph T-Bird and logged over 50,000 on it. He then traded the for a new 1953
BSA B33 and was hooked on thumpers ever since. That scooter gave him 20,000 fun filled miles. By 1956, Ward's Air Force and family obligation took precedence. So he gave up riding until he had a chance to care for a
friends Honda Super Hawk.. In 1969 he was back at it with a 450cc Honda and rapidly put 35,000 on it. He went through several 750cc Yamaha shaft drives, and in 1984 acquired a Gold Wing and after 87,000 miles traded it
for a new Triumph T-Bird.
His love of thumpers moved him to buy a Rotax 500cc Matchless in 1988. He put 64,000 on that one. In 1990 ward re-established himself with the old British thumpers and brought a 1955 B33.
In 1991 Ward and a friend took off on the Three Flags run. That little ride started in Nogales, Mexico and ended in Kimberly, British Columbia. Ward rode the Matchless from Gainesville Texas to Nogales to start the run.
They logged 2155 miles, averaging 540 miles a day and arrived in Canada 4 days later. That was the trip up. The trip back was a bit more leisurely. This was a warm up. In 1993 Ward rode a 1970 650 Triumph in the Three
Flags run. This time the ride started in Juarez, Mexico ending in Medicine Hat, Canada. He lost his windscreen on that one near Fort Worth, but pressed on saying, "Who needs a windscreen if you're only going 5500 miles".
In 1996 ward rode the Three Fags a third time from Mexicale, Mexico to Kelowna, British Columbia on a 1996 MZ Scorpion. To fill in the slow times between rides, Ward ran 16 full length marathons under the 4 hour mark and
6 triathlons.
Well, you might think that’s all for a guy who some call a senior citizen. No way! Ward is deep into planning his next 5,200 mile round trip adventure riding his 1999 Triumph T-Bird.
Three Flags for the fourth time on his modern T-Bird. Ward will slip down about 800 miles to the starting line in Nogales on September 3rd, then point the T-Bird North and land in Canada the afternoon of the 6th. That
figures to be about 600+ miles for each of the first 3 days and a more leisurely 400 miles the last day, and that’s just for the upward link of the 3 Flags. What a story, what a rider. His enthusiasm to ride, endurance
and lust for enjoying life with good friends is truly an inspiration. Ward represents a unique piece of Texas motorcycling and the NTNOA is proud to have him as a member.
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Revised: July 02, 2019.