Our April Meeting was at Richard's "Little House" on 28 April.
As can be seen by the photos below this meeting was perhaps the best
attended ever. The weather was perfect for an outdoor meeting and contributed to the large turnout. Members and guests started arriving before noon and the party continued well after the formal
portion. Richard arranged for Mr. Hamburger to server burgers and chicken sandwiches with all the trimmings. Richard also provided plenty of cold beverages.
Chris Parry started the formal portion precisely at 2PM. He started by asking new members and guests of which there were many to introduce themselves. Chris reminded everyone of the upcoming All
British Car Day at White Rock Lake which is the following weekend.
Ryan Ambrose gave an update on his racing progress. Ryan continues to improve and now routinely embarrasses racers on much more powerful motorcycles. He's racing a Triumph Daytona 675 against
liter and larger bikes like the Ducati 1199 Panigale and beating them! Dennis Tackett passed a hat to support his racing.
Our next meeting will be at Pappas B-B-Q on 26 May.
Click here for Photos of our April club
meeting at Richard's little house. Photos courtesy of Paul Valentine.
Photos taken by Bev Bowen at the little house. Click on photo to enlarge.

From Mark Jensen:
Here is a link to a short video slideshow I created from the pics I took at the meeting Sunday. I recommend selecting at least 720p HD video and then full screen (both settings are located in the lower right of the
slideshow frame) before starting the video. There is music, so have your speakers turned on! Enjoy...