The NTNOA's August 2009 Club Meeting
was Sunday, 23 August at 2:00 PM
at Moto Liberty
11441 N. Stemmons
Frwy. Suite 201
Dallas, TX 75229

Many thanks again to Audrey for hosting our August meeting. As before
Audrey provided sandwiches and cold drinks for us to enjoy. After the
meeting she raffled off gift cards worth $25 and $50 along with a few motorcycle
related items.
Clay called the very short meeting to order and announced that our Rallye
Chairman, Dennis Tackett had a car accident on Friday. Dennis is OK except
the seat belt cracked his sternum in three places. A car load of teenagers
made an illegal left turn in front of him. The good news is the girl
driving the car admitted it was her fault and she has insurance.
Richard Asprey has volunteered to head-up cooking brats and hamburgers at the
LOP rallye Saturday after the awards ceremony. There will be about five
BBQ grills manned by volunteers.
Keith Martin has confirmed that Sam Wheeler's Norton Streamliner will be at the
Rallye this year along with Sam.
The next meeting is 20 September at Phil Dansby's residence. It is the
last day to renew memberships for $15. On 21 September the dues go up to
Randy Bauer hosted a get together at his house after the meeting. He
challenged the membership that they couldn't drink all his Shiner Bock.
Although there was a mighty effort he was proven correct. Thanks Randy.
A good time was had by all.
Copyright © 2000 NTNOA All rights reserved.
Revised: January 05, 2018