The August 2021 Club Meeting was Sunday, August
29th at Big D Cycle.
11155 Morrison Lane, Dallas
The NTNOA turnout was really good, especially considering the
current concern about Delta Covid variant. There were some
masks, but on top of that considerable courtesies in distancing
and fist/elbow bumps were used in greeting vs. handshakes and
Big D Cycle is always an efficient-looking place, but in
hosting today’s (Aug. 29th) NTNOA Monthly Meeting ,
things were especially tidy. The main attraction was to
recognize the upcoming Cannonball event.
The parking lot featured the 4 Cannonball Run machines, along
with the main parts/shop truck that will accompany the Team
Norton riders and crew.
The shop display was very impressive, with a variety of race
Triumphs and Norton’s, Dick Mann’s /1970 Daytona winner BSA
Rocket 3, and about 10 ready-to-go VINCENT Twins. The shop was
open for viewing, with 4 more Vincents in various stages of
build, a Brough and too many others to list. Truly a world class
The Lone Star Vincent
Section of the Vincent Owners Club (VOC) was invited as Big D recently
has done much specialty work for that marque. Most, if not all,
VOC people in attendance are NTNOA members.
Terrific tacos with fixins’ were brought in for lunch.
After a lot of looking, talking, tire-kicking, etc. the meeting
started right on time in the show room. Dennis Tackett called
the meeting to order, welcoming special guests, visitors and
briefing all on the upcoming Land of the Pines Rally. Richard
Asprey and Chris Parry made comments about The Cannonball Run,
pointing out our 4 riders and their support crew will begin at
Sault Ste. Marie on Canadian Border and then ride 4K miles,
eventually ending up at Padre Island in S. Texas. The Vincent
Section will welcome the caravan in Victoria, their night stops
there. Other folks will peek in on the Cannonball at Texarkana,
Nacogdoches and maybe Brownsville.
Dennis then had folks sound off about bikes for sale and
reminded folks to make use of the club’s web site to help them
sell/buy machines/parts.
It was pointed out August is dues month and 60 members had not
yet renewed, so a big hint was delivered to take care of that!
Click here to join or renew
It really was a wonderful meeting/gathering and Keith Martin was
thanked for hosting.
Submitted by Bevo Bowen
Click on photo to enlarge.

New Members
1030 Glenn Bewley
1031 Paul Martin
1032 Penny Martin
1033 Paul Mattoon
1034 Keith Buxton
Copyright © 2000 NTNOA All rights reserved.
Revised: August 30, 2021.