Good evening everyone, and thank you Chris for giving me an opportunity to write a few words about my good friend, George Tuttle. At the risk of getting him in trouble, George is
directly responsible for my association with the NTNOA. In the mid-nineties I decided I’d like to get involved with vintage motorcycles. Like me, at that time George was a pilot at Delta’s DFW base and I knew
he was knowledgeable on vintage bikes. A casual conversation kindled in me an interest in old Triumphs. Before long I had a ’64 Bonneville, a new friend, and a membership in the NTNOA.
It would be easy to spend a lot of time on George’s accomplishments outside the NTNOA. Many of you know he had a full career as an Air Force pilot. Some may be aware he was a fighter pilot with extensive
experience in the F-4 and later the F-16. Most probably don’t know that George was in fact a particularly skilled fighter pilot, selected to evaluate and train pilots from other squadrons in the intricacies
of aerial warfare. George has never been known do things half-way. In addition to his career as an Air Force officer, he’s owned over a score of light aircraft, is a certified flight instructor, and held an
unlimited aerobatics license. All this was before becoming an airline captain and my boss as a Chief Pilot for Delta Air Lines. If you didn’t know all this, don’t feel badly. George is not one to boast.
I offer this brief background because the skills, intellect and drive that made George successful as a fighter pilot have carried over to his passion for motorcycling, much to the benefit of the NTNOA. Since
becoming a member in 1994, George has made extraordinary contributions of time and energy to the club. Although often subtle and behind the scenes, George has been an active and enthusiastic participant in
the operation and evolution of the NTNOA. For example, we have the finest motorcycle club website on the web, with visits well into six figures. We can thank George for that, as well as several of the
write-ups and articles we find within. For many years George managed the registration for the hugely popular Bike Show at the Lake O’ the Pines Rally, and compiled detailed post-rally participation data for
the club officers. George was responsible for coordinating the club’s initial participation in the Cycle World International Motorcycle Show at the Dallas Convention Center, and went on to manage several
subsequent events. He is a point of contact between the club and several local motorcycle merchants and dealers. By virtue of his position as Webmaster, George has been a member of the NTNOA Executive
Committee for many years, graciously providing his home as a meeting place when that Committee meets to discuss Club business. Since he became a member, each of the Club’s presidents have at some point had
their job made a little easier thanks to George’s assistance and expertise. Somehow he also finds time to maintain and ride an impressive collection of new and vintage motorcycles, logging several thousand
miles yearly. I can personally attest, having many times watched George effortlessly pull away from me on a twisty Hill Country road or at Texas Motorsports Ranch, that he is an accomplished and skillful
rider. As I said, George doesn’t do anything half-way. As a result the NTNOA is a better club.
I thank George for his years of service as well as for his friendship, and I’m very pleased he is being recognized tonight. I look back upon my association with the NTNOA and its members with enormous
gratitude, so thanks to all of you as well. I’d like to share this evening with you, but while Chris reads this I am somewhere on the far side of the world. So, I’ll simply close by wishing everyone a
pleasant evening and Happy Holidays.

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Revised: January 05, 2018