Christmas Dinner Party & Dec. Meeting Recap

Our December Meeting & Christmas Dinner Party was at the Spirit Grille on Sat., 20 Dec. The Social Hour started at 5:30pm,
Dinner was served at 7 o'clock and most importantly for some the Bar was open till 2am!
The menu consisted of Bangers N' Mash, Ahi Tuna Steak & Rosemary Garlic Chicken.
It was well attended with over one hundred members and guests in attendance. As usual there was plenty of socializing and storytelling. The Spirit Grille did a super job preparing and serving dinner to
all 100+.
After dinner our club president Clay Walley started the meeting and announced that the January club meeting will be Sunday, January 18th at Papa's BBQ on Northwest Hwy in Dallas. That's a week prior to
the Int'l Motorcycle Show.
Dennis Tackett took to the mic and handled the 50/50 drawing. Dennis then pulled tickets for door prizes. Many were generously donated by Tony and Martha Lewis of Eurosport Cycle including a track day at
Motorsports Ranch. Wendy Griffiths provided several passes to the Modern Museum in Ft. Worth and Richard Asprey gave away many decorative Santas filled with mood enhancing spirits. The meeting was
intentionally kept short to facilitate a celebratory atmosphere.
For his last time
Clay adjourned the meeting as Richard Asprey takes over as our president starting in January.
Copyright © 2000 NTNOA All rights reserved.
Revised: December 30, 2014