The NTNOA's February Meeting
was Sunday, 22 February at 2PM at
RPM Cycle's new location.

A Triumph - Aprilia - Moto Guzzi - Dealership
Although the meeting officially started
at 2PM many members and guests started arriving a little after 1PM .
However, the gates to the parking lot were locked and Boris Loera,
the General Manager didn't arrive until just before 2PM. No
harm - no foul.
Photo courtesy of Paul Valentine

Their new location and building are much
improved over their last. One reason is that it was designed from the outset as a
motorcycle dealership. A lot of thought has gone into the
floor plan. The show room is finished and construction in the
service area and parts department are within only days of being
completed. Boris gave us a tour of the facility.
The shop area is impressive and definitely a first class operation.
of the meeting by Paul Valentine]
Click on Photo to enlarge. Photo
taken by Chris Parry

Clay Walley called the meeting to order, thanked Boris and
introduced our new members and guests.
Old Business:
Clay and Dennis Tackett reviewed the preparations completed so far
for the Lake O' the Pines Rallye. Clay received confirmation
from Dave Edwards, Editor-in-Chief and VP of Cycle World, Sam
Wheeler and Ed Mabry that they will be attending this years rallye.
Dave Edwards will be our Grand Marshal. We are still waiting
to hear from Denis Manning, Victor Toogood and Brian Slark. If
anyone knows how to contact Victor please let Clay know. His
email address is
Randy Bauer has volunteered to
chair a committee to cook brats and hot dogs Saturday after the
awards ceremony. Phil Dansby agreed to handle the rallye
t-shirts with the help of Bob Cox and Joe Edwards. We should
have samples before the rallye for the first time ever!
New Business:
The February-April newsletter is available online at A request was made
for more articles from club members. Articles can be sent in
just about any digital format, i.e., Word for windows, Adobe Acrobat
(pdf) or plan text, to
Dean Baker made a motion to have the club donate $100 to the Andrew
Trevitt fund. While testing tires
north of Los Angeles, Sport Rider Senior Editor Andrew Trevitt was
involved in an accident involving a car making a U-turn. As a
result, Andrew was taken to the hospital in serious condition, with
numerous major injuries. Andrew will be
facing a lengthy rehabilitation. After a short discussion of
the motion it was seconded and passed. Richard Asprey and
Bonneville Randy each added an additional $20 each to the club's
donation. Anyone can make a
private donation. Details can be found at Trevitt.htm
Dennis Tackett mentioned that he will have the Rallye raffle bike at the
upcoming Rockers vs Mods events next month selling raffle bike
tickets. Details can be
found at There will be a group ride
to the event on Saturday, 21 March starting at 1PM from
Pappas Bar-B-Q to
Lee Harvey's.
Our next meeting is Sunday, 29 March at Pappas Bar-B-Q at 2PM.
See you there.
Asprey at yesterday's club meeting displaying his new toilet seat. (Photo
courtesy of Paul Valentine)

Copyright © 2000 NTNOA All rights reserved.
Revised: March 08, 2009