Our February 2020 Club Meeting was Sunday, February 23rd at Al Lamb's Honda Dealership

9250 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy, Dallas
Many thanks to Al Lamb for hosting our February meeting. Al provided us with a BBQ brisket lunch with all the trimmings. Most members and guests arrived early to look over the various new bikes in Al's showroom
and the assortment of antique bikes ridden to the meeting. Despite the inclement weather there were well over 40 who rode to the meeting.
Dennis Tackett started the meeting by thanking Al for hosting our meeting and providing us lunch. Next was the introduction of
new members and quests. The club's executive committee and all the members present unanimously voted to make Al an Honorary Member.
Our President,
Ryan Ambrose informed us of an electric start kit for kick start only T140 Bonnevilles that's available at Big D Cycle. The kit uses stock Triumph parts found on 1981 and later Bonnevilles. Dennis already
had the kit installed and provided a demonstration. If interested contact Ryan at ryan@ntnoa.org
There are a lot of club events scheduled for the next couple of months starting with Rockers vs. Mods at Lee Harvey's on Saturday, 28 March which is the day before our March club meeting at Richard's little house on Sunday.
Our March club meeting will be in conjunction with a Eurosport Cycle and Al Lamb Honda Demo Day! They're both bringing a variety of demo bikes for us to ride. There will be a sign-up sheet for each bike. All riders will
need a valid motorcycle license, a helmet, preferably leather jacket, boots and gloves, and will be required to sign a waiver.
The event will be catered by our favorite Cajun - Bobby Vaughn. An average meal is about $10. Due to limited parking, only 2-wheeled vehicles will be allowed to park at the little house. All others should use Uber or
We need volunteers to help with setup, man our booth and sell raffle bike tickets. Contact Wendy at wendy@ntnoa.org if you can help. We will start setting up at 10:00am, the event runs from 11am to 3:30pm, with the
meeting at 2pm as usual. The last test rides will be at 3.30pm.
February New Members:
Robert Burditt 989
Joseph McClure 990
Lou Marchant 991
Copyright © 2000 NTNOA All rights reserved.
Revised: February 25, 2020.