Globe Traveler Dave Edinger rode his 50th State on May 28th, 2023.

When my wife and I met, we were tied at 40 countries each. Since then she is at about 83 and I’m trailing at 77. I just rode my last two states - Connecticut and New Hampshire and will spend all summer riding New England until the leaves change and then head back to Texas. In Texas, we will stash the truck and bike, (our rolling home), load up on supplies and try to rent a cabin on a container ship to Rio, followed by three months in Argentina. I have ridden in 46 countries and I can just taste the next four. I want to ride to Terra Del Fuego. That would add two since I’d have to do a short stretch in Chile to get there. Then, next Spring, we will add Morocco.

All of these states have accumulated over the years, not just in one trip. The same with overseas trips. Some were organized tours, others were done while living or working overseas. The biggest challenges are when road signs are in the Cyrillic alphabet or Arabic, especially at border crossings like Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan.

We put all our household goods and motorcycles in storage except the Multistrada, which I have loaded in the back of the truck. We have now been traveling for 31 consecutive months and currently have no plans to stop.

David and Missy Edinger



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