June Meeting & Antique Bike Show
I would like to thank a few people for the success of the Dylan's BBQ bike show. Thanks to everybody that brought and rode their bikes to show. I would say that over half the bikes in the show were
rode there which is awesome!
Thanks to Dennis for helping me get this organized. This was my first try at putting together a bike show and Dennis was a huge help.
Thanks to Clay for coming with me to meet Dylan a couple of times and help plan with him. Thanks to George for getting the info out on the website and Craigslist. I had quite a few people say that they saw the ad on
Craigslist. Thanks to Richard for sponsoring the food. Everybody loved it and were very grateful. Thanks to Mike for helping out at registration and always making for sure we have all the right stuff to accept
membership dues and raffle ticket sales. Thanks to everybody else for sharing the event on Facebook and by word of mouth. It was great time and I look forward to hopefully doing it again.
Thanks again,
Ryan Ambrose
Click on photo to enlarge.
Click here for Chris Parry's event photo album.
Click here for Paul Valentine's album.
Our June Meeting was held in conjunction with an antique bike show at Dylan’s Barbeque Saloon. It was perhaps our best attended meeting ever. The weather couldn’t have been better and contributed to the
high level of bike show participation. There were 55 antique bikes in the show and an equal number of modern bikes ridden to the meeting.
The huge success of the show belongs to our VP Ryan Ambrose and Rallye Chairman Dennis Tackett for planning, organizing and running the event. Many thanks to you both for a job exceptionally well done.

The antique bike show was free and open to all makes and models built prior to 1983, i.e., 35 years old or older. All bikes were in place by noon. There were seven categories Triumph, Norton, BSA, European, Japanese,
American and Other. The judging was done by Dylan, the owner of Dylan's BBQ. The winners all received 10 raffle bike tickets, a club hat and patch. Everyone who entered a bike was given a voucher good for up to ten
dollars of food at Dylan's.
Dennis started the meeting promptly at 2 pm by recognizing guests and new members. Dennis recounted his antique bike ride earlier this month in Arizona with Richard Asprey. They were joined by five members of the South
California Norton Owners club. Unfortunately with temperatures above 120 there were many mechanical breakdowns and a Vincent engine fire.
There were many favorable comments about the event. There’s plenty of parking for the bike show and the food at Dylan's received many compliments. The plan is to repeat this event next June at Dylan's.
It’s not too early to begin planning for our Land O’ the Pines annual rallye Sept. 28th to Oct. 1st at Diamond Don’s campground. |
Here is the list of classes, number of entries and winners
Class Number of Entries Winner
Triumph 11 Jack Tynes - 1963
Triumph 6T
Norton 12 George Tuttle
- 1975 Norton Commando
Ernie Tacsik - 1946 BSA C10
European 11 Stewart Garrision - 1947
Vincent series B
Japanese 11 Reid Schulze - 1979
Honda CBX
AMERICAN 3 Clay Knipp - 1940 Harley Davidson
Other 5
John Welsh - 1947 Salsbury Imperial Rocket
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Revised: January 05, 2018.