Our March Club Meeting was Sunday, 30 March, 2003
at 2:00 PM at Ed Mabry's (Mabry Racing) workshop.
Specializing in Bonneville Salt Flat Motorcycle Racing using Triumph EnginesEd Mabry working on his single engine Triumph race bike.
Those who hadn't been to Ed's shop before were given a tour of his facility and amazed at Ed's work.
The meeting was called to order by our President Dicky Hunter and two new members were introduced. Dicky then thanked Ed for his hospitality and support of the club. Dicky and Huston Matlock then outlined the upcoming events, rides and rallyes that may be of interest to club members. The next couple of months are filled with motorcycling activities. Most of them are listed on our coming events menu on the left.
Our next meeting will be held at Pa Pa's BBQ on NW Highway.
VP, Dean Baker handled the 50/50 raffle selling all $50 worth of tickets in short order.
Team Triumph Texas
2528 Weaver Street
Fort Worth, Texas 76117
817 831 1805Check out Ed's website at http://www.teamtriumphtexas.com
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Revised: January 29, 2008