Our November 2011 Club Meeting was Sunday, 27 Nov.
Tony & Martha's EuroSport Cycle
3100 Airport Freeway
Fort Worth, TX 76111
Many thanks to Tony and Martha for once again hosting our club meeting. The highlight of the meeting was looking at all the eye candy in the form of new Ducati and Triumph motorcycles.
They have a most complete line of both marques.
Chris Parry called the meeting to order. The first order of business was to elect officers for 2012. All three current officers; Chris Parry - president, Randy Bauer - VP and Bruce Jones - treasurer
were all nominated, seconded and unanimously voted in for another term. The club is extremely fortunate to have the quality of officers it has.
Chris solicited volunteers to man our booth at the upcoming International Motorcycle Show at the Dallas Convention center. LeRoy Greene, Gary Vicksell and Steve Sechrist stepped up and volunteered to
fill the remaining open slots.
Chris asked if anyone recently acquired a new vintage motorcycle. Richard Asprey responded that he just got a freshly restored '54 Vincent Rapide. Chris said he has ridden it and that it is immaculate
and rides beautifully even though he had no idea what gear he was in. 
Chris adjourned the meeting and most rode off to Twin Peaks for a little liquid refreshment.
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Revised: January 05, 2018