November 2019 Meeting Recap
Our November Club Meeting was at Southwest Superbikes on Sunday, Nov. 24th.
Mark Peterson, owner of Southwest Superbikes is a huge supporter of the NTNOA and has always been a great host. As a result of Mark's hospitality and the great weather we had a record turnout.
Mark has a unique variety of race bikes that were all on display. In addition, he supplied plenty food and refreshments.
click on photo to enlarge.

Dennis Tackett once again handled the MC duties. Our next two upcoming events are the December meeting and Christmas dinner party at the Spirit Grille on Saturday, Dec. 21st and the
International Motorcycle Show at the Dallas Convention Center the first weekend in January.
Spencer Case is taking over managing our display from Randy Bauer who has done a fantastic job organizing our display for the past ten years. The club still needs volunteers to man our display Saturday
evening from 4pm to 7pm and we desperately need more pre-1990 vintage bikes for our display. If interested, please send an email to
In accordance with the Club's By-Laws elections were held for President, VP and Treasurer. Mike Mediterraneo was elected to continue as our Treasurer for another year and Chris Parry was elected VP and Ryan
Ambrose as our President. All three were voted in unanimously. Ben D'Avanza was appointed Rallye Chairman and Wendy Griffiths as our event coordinator. Dennis Tackett received a loud and long round of
applause for doing an outstanding job as our Rallye Chairman for the past six years.
After the meeting Mark started a few of his vintage race bikes including a Moto3, 250cc race bike and a Honda Moto2, 600cc race bike. Both sounded incredible.
Our November Anniversaries were:
Shelby Withrow - 5 Years
Merry Bushong - 15 Years
Click here for Paul Valentine's photos.
Photos taken by Steve Webster - click on photo to enlarge.