Our October Club Meeting was Sunday, October 29th at Chris Parry's Residence.

Many thanks to Chris and Monica Perry for putting on a most wonderful venue for our October meeting.  They had plenty of cold beverages and brats for all to enjoy.  Through their hard work they created a resort environment in their back yard that proved perfect for our meeting.  Thankfully the weather could not have been better which contributed to the large attendance.  Ryan Ambrose brought the new Land O' the Pines  raffle bike, a '79 Triumph Bonneville to the meeting. It looked great thanks to the amazing detail job by Dennis Tackett.

The 2018 Land O' the Pines Raffle Bike, a '79 Triumph T140 Bonneville.

Dennis Tackett started the formal portion of the meeting promptly at 2PM.  First order of business was the introduction of new members and quests.  Upcoming meetings and events were covered next.  Our November meeting will be at Jeff Nash's Advance Motorsports in Dallas hosted by Jerrett Martin.  Our Christmas dinner party is once again at the Spirit Grille in Irving on Saturday, December 16th.  This is the last year club members and their significant others will enjoy a dinner paid for by the club. Starting next year there will be a small fee charged for each attendee.

Elections for our three club officers for 2018 were held.  Richard Asprey was unanimously elected president as was Ryan Ambrose for VP and Michael Mediterraneo for treasurer.  Dennis volunteered to be our rallye chairman for another year and Wendy Griffiths was selected as our new event coordinator.

After the meeting most stayed to socialize and admire the beautiful weather and surroundings.

All photos are the courtesy of Chris Parry.

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Revised: January 05, 2018.