Our September Club Meeting was Sunday, 19 September at 2PM
at Captain Commando's Residence.
Click here for more photos of the meeting courtesy of Paul
 The weather was just about perfect; as a result there was a good turn out with almost
all riding to the meeting. Many thanks to Phil Dansby for once again hosting our pre-Rallye club meeting. As usual Phil provided food and cold beverages for all to enjoy. Everyone especially
new members got to see Phil's collection of classic and vintage motorcycles. His Norton Commando Cafe that he built from the frame up in 1991 now runs for the first time in 19 years.
This was the last day to take advantage of the $5 discount for pre-registering for the Lake O' the Pines Rallye. It was also the last day to keep one's membership active.
Prior to the meeting Bruce Jones sold white Rallye t-shirts that Richard Asprey had made locally. Joe Edwards is making both black and gray Rallye t-shirts that will be available at the Rallye.
LOP Rallye T-shirt Front
 LOP Rallye T-shirt Back
 Our Treasurer, Bob Hagemann was busy taking membership renewals and pre-registrations for LOP. This is always the busiest time for our Treasurer. In addition to handling pre-registrations and
membership renewals our treasurer is busy this time of year updating our membership database and coordinating with the AMA for Rallye insurance.
Chris Parry started the meeting at 2PM. Chris thanked Mike Fairchild for volunteering to trailer the raffle bike to and if necessary from the Rallye. Chris mentioned that thanks to our Rallye
Chairman, Richard Asprey in addition to selling Rallye T-shirts at the registration booth the club will have plastic sidestand plates with "NTNOA" printed on them and British style Tax-Disc holders with NTNOA
engraved around the circumference for sale. Both a must have for any active member. Tax Disc Sample
 Dennis Tackett recapped this year's racing progress of our club sponsored racer Ryan
Ambrose. Ryan is third overall in CMRA competition. He will be racing next Sunday morning, 26 September at MotorSport Ranch at Cresson, TX. Dennis passed a hat for donations to Ryan's racing
fund. Click here to check out a summary of Ryan's racing this year.
Clay Walley rode to Hot Springs to watch the bikes and riders of the Cannonball Run Motorcycle Endurance Race. The race is coast-to-coast on 1915 and older motorcycles. It started on 10 September
and will end next Sunday. Clay along with club members Dicky Hunter, Berwyn Henderson, Richard Asprey and George Tuttle rode to Hot Springs on Thursday to watch them finish stage 7 and ride to the
Convention Center. This was the only time during the race that they had a day off. On Friday all 45 participants were seen working on their bikes. Many had to rebuild the entire motor. Check
it out.
The main website is http://www.motorcyclecannonball.com/ and the day by day Blog with great photos is at http://occhiolungo.wordpress.com
On a much sadder note, Chris proposed a toast to our recently departed
honorary member Charles Busbee. Charles was one of the greatest of the Greatest Generation and a member since March, 1994. His obituary and a short recap of his life can be found by clicking here.

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Revised: January 05, 2018