Spring Hill Country Ride Recap
May 6 - 10, 2009
(Please send corrections and additions to ntnoa@ntnoa.org)

The date for this year's hill country ride had to be moved from April to May due to a lack of availability in April at the River Inn Resort.  The weather was just about perfect.  There wasn't a drop of rain during the entire week although it did get rather hot during the afternoons.  However, that was effectively remedied by large quantities of cold Shiner Bock.  

There were 17 members in attendance.  They were (in alphabetical order) Richard Asprey, Randy Bauer, Dave Bradford, Bob Cox, Phil Dansby, Ron Ernst, Michael Fairchild, Berwyn Henderson, Jan Hergert, Frank Jakab, Marq Jones, Steve Ledbetter, Bob Speer, Dennis Tackett, George Tuttle, Mike Vance and Clay Walley.

Captain Commando surprised everyone by giving away special T-shirts to everyone in attendance that commemorated this year's event.

This is the back of the shirt.

This is on the front of the shirt.

On Thursday and Friday groups of two, three and four rode their vintage bikes in and around the hill country.  On Saturday there was a group ride at 10AM to the Lone Star Museum located just outside of Vanderpool on Hwy 187 and 337.

[2009 Spring Hill Country Ride Photo Album]
(Photos courtesy of Randy Bauer, Michael Fairchild, Steve Ledbetter and Clay Walley.)

The race that never was.

Thursday night Richard decided it was time to find out if his Big D Cycle prepared 750cc Norton Atlas could beat Clay's SRM prepared 650cc BSA.  He wanted Dennis Tackett, a former racer to ride the Atlas and Clay, another former racer to ride his BSA.  He put up a purse of $100 and set 9AM Friday as the time for the start of the race.  The last five miles of Hwy 39 before the intersection of 187 and 39 was the course for the race.  Almost everyone waited at the finish line while George Tuttle started the race five miles from the finish line.

Dennis took the early lead with Clay right on his rear tire.  After about a half mile the Atlas started to bog down giving Clay the chance to pass Dennis.  Thinking that this was just a trick Dennis was playing Clay continued full throttle in a full race crouch to the finish line.  Those at the finish line could hear the BSA miles before they could see it.  Once over the last hill they could see that Clay was still in his racer's crouch.  Little did Clay know that Dennis had pulled off the course 4.5 miles ago.

The winner after the race!

The loser.

The sponsor chewing out the loser and handing over his $100 bill to Clay.

Phil Dansby and Bob Cox drove down on Wednesday.  Phil brought his '86 Benelli 900 Sei and Bob his one-of-a-kind custom Featherlastic, a Café with a 750cc Combat Commando power plant with the Commando's "isolastic" rubber engine mounts in a Norton Featherbed frame.  Randy Bauer and Dave Bradford trailered down on Wednesday with Randy's '71 Bonneville and Dave's Triumph Thruxton.

Michael Fairchild and Ron Ernst also trailered with Michael Triumph TR-6 and Ron's Commando.  They arrived Thursday afternoon, about 2:30 PM.  According to Michael, "Don't mix beer, wine, Crown Royal and cigars...........especially at 57. I guess I will need to get a different bike to keep up with the group's pace.  My TR6-C is geared to low to cruise at 70 to 75. Oh well, Ron did not like to push his Norton either so we rode "drag" like Rowdy Yates in "Rawhide".

A trio of BMW riders rode in separately on Thursday.  Berwyn Henderson rode up on his R1200RT, Box Speer on his R1200GS and Marq Jones on his R1150GS.  Mike Vance and Steve Ledbetter both drove down on Thursday.  Mike brought his beautiful 1978 T-140 Bonneville and Steve his 1975 MKIII Norton Commando.

Our President, Clay Walley along with Richard Asprey and George Tuttle rode to the hill country on Monday stopping at Luckenbach enroute to the Peach Tree Inn in Fredericksburg for the night.  The trio met up with Dennis Tackett at the River Inn Resort on Tuesday where Dennis unloaded his 2008 Tiger from the large Big D Cycle trailer.  The foursome then rode off to the D'Rose Inn in Leakey.  On Wednesday they rode Hwy's 336, 335, 334 & 674 to Rocksprings and stayed at the Historic Rocksprings Hotel.  They arrived at the River Inn Resort on Thursday.  In the trailer were Clay's '66 BSA Spitfire, George's '79 Bonneville, and Richard's '66 Atlas.

While at the D' Rose Inn and Cabin in Leakey Clay discussed the possibility of having Deb, the owner reserve her establishment for next year's Spring Hill Country Ride.  She agreed and the club now has all ten cabins and the five rooms reserved between 15 and 18 April, 2010.  Although the D'Rose Inn lacks the beautiful setting of the River Inn Resort it offers a covered pavilion which can also be used to protect our bikes during inclement weather, many restaurants within walking distance, a local gas station and grocery store, and cell phone service.  Leakey is also in the heart of the hill country with the "Twisted Sisters" (335, 336 & 337) all right there.  Space at the Inn is limited.  Some cabins can accommodate two, three or four people.  Reserve your room now before they are full by calling Deb at 830-232-5246.  The rates are listed below.  The only downside is that there is a local Texas State Trooper named Jake who hates motorcycles and those who ride them.  Just ask Berwyn.

Hope to see you next year.

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