Spring Hill Country Ride
April 11-14, 2013
The Spring Hill Country ride was a gathering of members from three different vintage British bike clubs. The four day event is centered around Leakey, TX in the
middle of the Twisted Sisters (hwy 335,336 & 337). For
the second year in a row the British Motorcycle Owners Association (BMOA) and the Lone Star Vincent Owners Club
(VOC) participated in the festivities. And once again the BMOA provided dinner Friday night at their hangout in Concan and the NTNOA hosted dinner Saturday
night in Leakey. Deb Rose and her fiancé prepared the chicken and trimming for the BMOA dinner Friday night and Scott Patterson, Dennis Tackett & Bailie Burke prepared, cooked and served the two plus pound steaks courtesy of
Aggressive Insurance Saturday night. Below was the schedule of activities for the four day event.
Click here for Photos of the 2013 Spring Hill Country Ride provided by Richard
Photos of last weekends Annual Spring Hill Country Ride courtesy of Mark Scott and Chris Butler.
Click here to view all of their hill country photos.
Click here for a map showing the locations below. 
Click here for "The British Invasion of Leakey, Texas" by Daniel Peirce
Last year's Spring Hill Country Ride was the largest and the best ever. Many thanks to Richard Asprey who coordinated with John Updyke, president of the British Motorcycle Owners Association (BMOA) and Bev Bowen, president of the Lone Star Vincent Owners Club
(VOC) and organized the largest gathering of
vintage Brit bikes in the hill country in Texas history. In the past all three clubs held their Spring rallies in the hill country on different dates.
For the last four years the NTNOA has stayed at the D’Rose Inn and Cabins in Leakey. The BMOA has always stayed at Neals Lodges on the Frio River in Concan. The Lone Star VOC stays at the
Rio Frio Pecan Farm cabins
upstream at Leakey. Tons of Brit bikes were seen and heard on the road despite the occasional drizzle. The light rain was tolerable as it was never heavy enough to dampen spirits. Being a gathering of Brit bikes it was
actually kind of appropriate.
It is customary to meet at Alan Johncock’s Lone Star Museum and Ace Café just north of Vanderpool. This time the number of antique Brit bikes was huge and Allan and Debbie Johncock almost ran out of their Aussie
meat pies. There were probably more vintage Brit bikes out in the parking lot than in the museum.
The BMOA will once again host a cookout on Friday night at Neals Lodges in Concan. The NTNOA will host a steak dinner courtesy of Richard Asprey's Aggressive Insurance on Saturday night at the D'Rose Inn.
The dinner was an outstanding success last year thanks to Mike Mediterraneo, Bailie Burke and Dennis Tackett and many more who helped prepare the food and a very special thanks go to Scot Patterson who did an absolutely awesome job cooking the steaks.
Even BMOA's "Frosty" was overhead saying it was the best ever.
Scot preparing the steaks.

Chris Parry's:
Video of Saturday's dinner at the D'Rose Inn.
2012 Hill Country Bikes Album
2012 Hill country Social Album
With the added participation of the BMOA and the Lone Star Vincent Owners,
Motorcycle Classics
magazine expressed interest in an article covering this year's Hill Country Ride. Daniel Peirce attended this year's ride with camera in hand to record the bikes and riders. Dan is the Lord of
Light and Master of the Pixel. His website is Trick Photography.
A special bonus on this trip was the absolutely stunning display of wild flowers.
This was on the front of last year's t-shirt
 This is on the back

Last Year's
Room / Cabin Assignments by Name

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Revised: April 30, 2013.