Although the weather was a little cool, the sun was out for the first time in awhile which contributed to another good turn-out. The Keating's Mardi Gras Party hosted the night before was all the buzz. Everyone commented that they had a great time.
Clay opened the meeting thanking Dennis Tackett, although absent in Germany on business, for making the arrangements for the club to have an exclusive and free to members and their spouse showing of "The World's Fastest Indian" at the Inwood theater. It was a tremendous success with only ten empty seats.
Clay announced that the club now has the 8' by 5' enclosed trailer in which to store the club's equipment for the Lake O' the Pines (LOP) Rallye. The trailer is actually 8.5 feet which is long enough to store the club's two 8' tables. It also comes with an EZ-Up canopy and generator.
Dennis Tackett, our rallye chairman was able to locate with the help of Keith Martin, owner of RPM Cycle a 1973 Norton Combat Commando to be the club's LOP rallye raffle bike. It will be the first time the club has ever raffled a Norton Commando. Since the value exceeds that which the Executive Committee is allowed to approve, there was a motion and second from the floor to purchase the bike for $2,000. The motion passed unanimously. Raffle tickets will be available at all of our up coming events.
Clay mentioned that our March club meeting will be at Mike Vance's hangar at Propwash Airport which is located just west of Justin, TX. Mike has a few antiques in addition to his 1946 Indian Chief that we'll be able to see including his unbelievable 1930 Fleet By-plane.
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Revised: January 29, 2008